Following up - much later - from the Brand Foundation Alliance meeting during BrandStorytelling at Sundance. We had great attendance and enthusiasm for ongoing conversations and project sharing. An attendee contact list and minutes of the meeting were sent to everyone who attended. If you didn't receive that email, please contact me directly and I'll resend it to you.
A few things came up as more popular ideas - holding semi-monthly meetings via Zoom; sharing projects through some form of template; and communicating about projects and other updates on the Slack channel. I've shared a few updates on potential templates for project sharing on Slack, but haven't gotten much response - so I am switching to this e-newsletter format.
With coronavirus and related fears sweeping the world, it's a good time to focus on virtual meetings and project sharing, so that will be my focus in the coming months. Some updates, requests and news below. Thanks - Brian
Project Sharing Template
I've been working with a few BFA members to develop a very simple format for sharing projects amongst the group members. The idea is that any BFA member can share info on projects you are currently supporting with other members of the group, in hopes that others might offer to collaborate. Collaboration could mean something as simple as info sharing, or it could include funding support, marketing support or support for impact campaigns.
I’ve built a potential slide template for sharing projects amongst the group. It is linked here (GoogleDrive link), and one of my staff would build each slide from information you put into a shared spreadsheet (or you can build a similar slide and send it to us to share). Take a look at the slide template and fake example project and let me know what you think - on Slack or via email.

I am setting a first deadline of March 27th (5pm est) to send me info on any projects you'd like to share with other BFA members. Projects will only be shared to BFA members/affiliates and we will only share the details you provide. Once I get the projects - via email or Slack, and using the proposed template or by sending us the info in the spreadsheet), my staff will format the information into slides and share them via email with the group, along with a new deadline for feedback. If this works, we'll set a standard, ongoing calendar/timeline for project sharing. As always, please email me with any feedback, suggestions or questions.
ZOOM Meeting Scheduling
I'm planning a BFA member meeting via Zoom in the near future. Discussion topics will include: feedback on the sharing template; cultivation of best practices; possible group meetings (or not, in light of health concerns).
Proposed meeting times are:
March 25 - 9am pst/Noon est;
March 25 - Noon pst/3pm est;
March 26 - 9am pst/Noon est;
March 26 - Noon pst/3pm est;
March 27 - 9am pst/Noon est;
March 27 - Noon pst/3pm est;
Please select times on this Doodle Poll. I'll send a confirmation to all who register, as well as Zoom meeting info. As discussed at our in-person meeting, feel free to designate a proxy from your organization if you can't attend but want to be represented or get updates.
Slack Channel & Website
Just a quick reminder that we do have a BFA Slack channel - one that is underused, but that people keep suggesting is their favorite way to communicate between meetings. Feel free to contribute to the discussion - about the project template, for example, over on the Slack channel.
We should have the final version of the BFA website back from the web designer and ready to launch before the end of March. That's a sneak peek at the home page at the top of this newsletter, btw. Thanks for your patience.
Please consider sending in your membership payments soon. Full Membership – For Brands/Corporations and Foundations is just $5,000 USD annually. Affiliate Members - Production Companies, agencies, filmmakers, re-grant organizations, friends costs $1,500 USD annually. Without members, we won't be able to keep the BFA going, and it seems everyone who has been attending sees the value in the potential collaborations. Email me for more info on membership.
BFA News
BFA Members in the News:

BrandStorytelling's Honor Roll includes two BFA members - BrandStorytelling launched its first Honor Roll of six individuals who are driving branded content forward. Two BFA members - and Steering Committee members at that - Angela Matusick of HP, and Paolo Mottola of REI were honored. Learn more about the Honor Roll and their work here.
I wrote an update on both Sundance and BrandStorytelling for my newsletter - check out the full report here.
Media Impact Funders released an impact report - From their website - "This report provides an examination of the current state of the field of media impact assessment, which Media Impact Funders (MIF) has been tracking for seven years. It is meant to serve as a practical resource for funders who want to understand where to start. Informed by feedback from our network, it represents a synthesis of the past seven years of work we’ve done in the impact space, and includes examples of successful media impact evaluation, tools and frameworks for assessment, and the challenges of defining and measuring impact in a rapidly-shifting media landscape. Our years of research have led us to four key insights, and this report includes a deep dive into each of them, as well as companion guest essays from leaders in the field. We hope you will use this guide to inform your own practice, and to continue this critical conversation." Read the full report.
<<Send us your news for inclusion. Email to be included>>
- About – BFA members meet to discuss best practices, share information on projects and celebrate the best work in the impact media space.
- Mission - Using the power of storytelling, the Brand-Foundation Alliance (BFA) combines the efforts of like-minded funder organizations and corporations to create impactful work that results in positive global change
- History – The Brand/Foundation Alliance began as a small gathering of like-minded foundations and brands who met at the Brand Storytelling Conference during Sundance, 2019. Brian Newman of Sub-Genre and Rick Parkhill of Brand Storytelling convened a small group of their colleagues to discuss the idea of collaborating on the funding or and support of films and new media projects. The group decided to form a steering committee and formal meeting group later in 2019.
Who is on the Steering Committee of the BFA?
Wendy Ettinger, Producer & Philanthropist
Sandy Herz, Skoll Foundation
Angela Matusik, HP
Cara Mertes, Ford Foundation
Paolo Mottola, REI
Rick Parkhill, BrandStorytelling
Brooks Thomas, Southwest Airlines
Brian Newman, Sub-Genre
Steering committee members meet 2-3 times per year and set policy and best practices for the group.