We're Sorry
Crowd Play, LLC
Dear *|FNAME|*,
We're sorry. In launching our new app, Flicklist, to iTunes, we made some mistakes and accidentally disabled your ability to log into the app. Flicklist is currently in invite-only mode, but we want early adopters like you to be able to use it right away. We've fixed the problem, so if you log in with the username and password below, you'll have full access to Flicklist. We're adding new features daily, and making it easier to find, share and talk about the best films. We hope you'll give us another chance. If you have any problems logging into the app, please reply to me directly and I'll make sure to help you get access right away.
Your username is: *|MMERGE3|*
Your password is: *|MMERGE4|*
Brian Newman, CEO Flicklist.

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Copyright © 2012, Crowdplay, LLC, All rights reserved.