Welcome to the BrandFoundation Alliance Newsletter
24th September 2019
and an invite to our October gathering
Branded content at TIFF and Apple; WeWork and the death of real work;
11th September 2019
Netflix wars and more Sub-Genre news for Sept. 12th
Fall fests, Laemmle sale could impact Oscars, branded content impact on hard news,
3rd September 2019
and more or post Labor Day Sub-Genre news
Take an online vacation, brands and impact, DIY distribution
1st August 2019
and more Sub-Genre news for August
The problem with Netflix's "Ad-Free" experience
25th July 2019
It's worse than ads, heres' a potential solution; and more news
Is there a lack of demand for arthouse films in NYC as we lose Kanopy?
26th June 2019
And more happy June 27th news from Sub-Genre
Missing the boat on curation - brands and content
18th June 2019
and more Sub-Genre news for June 21st
Surviving the Dash to the Fest Trifecta, fake festivals, brain machine interfacrs
13th June 2019
new branded content and more news for June 14
The End of the Internet as We Know It, and other cheery news
16th May 2019
from Sub-Genre for May 21st
Entrepreneurial Producing, in memory of Steve Golin;
3rd May 2019
Facebook and Blockchain, and more Sub-Genre news.
Cleveland Rocks - or how to run a great film festival
12th April 2019
Plus streaming and branded content news
Supporting the indie film "middle class" and other Sub-Genre news
19th March 2019
plus what studios are doing wrong on YouTube and other news you can use
The State of Social Impact Entertainment Report
6th March 2019
On the Skoll report, and other Sub-Genre news for March 7th
Acceptance speeches, North Face Tuxes and the Oscars
27th February 2019
And other news you can use for Feb 28 from Sub-Genre
Buzzfeed and Canaries in Coal Mines
15th February 2019
Or don't look now film-folks; and other Sub-Genre news for Valentine's Day
Sub-Genre News: Post Sundance, post-media edition
6th February 2019
And more news for Feb 7th on film, branded content, media and culture
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